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Five popular hatchbacks to consider

Hatchbacks are those segments pf cars that has the car body configuration with a rear door that swings upwards to provide access to the cargo area. Hatchbacks may feature fold-down second row seating. A unique feature of the hatchback is that the interior can be easily reconfigured to prioritize passenger


Everything you need to know about small pickup trucks

Pickup trucks are light-duty trucks with a closed cab area and an open cargo area. It also has a low tailgate and sides. Though initially produced with utility in mind, the pickup has slowly wormed its way into popular perception as a family car. It is a versatile vehicle that currently accounts for


Do’s and don’ts for purchasing used pickup trucks

Although you may own a good minivan or a hatch back, there arise certain situations where they just cannot be substituted for loading or unloading heavy items. This is when you seriously contemplate whether buying used, cheap used trucks that will serve your purpose beautifully. Given below are some

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